Privacy Notice

1. Introduction

The Everstone Group (which includes its verticals – private equity (Everstone Capital), Climate Impact (EverSource), Logistics (IndoSpace), Digital (EverYondr) and Venture (DSG Consumer Partners)) endeavors to maintain the highest standards of confidentiality and respects the privacy of our clients, investors and associated persons, nominees / representatives on board / committees / meetings of various entities, our employees, and other individuals whose personal information / Personal Data we collect and process. Our commitment to privacy includes being transparent about the nature and extent of that collection, processing and the rights that may be available to you with respect thereto.

Data Privacy is important to the Everstone Group and its affiliates. This Online Privacy Notice describes the information / Personal Data we collect about you, how we use the information provided, with whom we may share the information and how you can contact us about our privacy practices. We are committed to protecting your information by handling it responsibly and safeguarding it using appropriate technical, administrative and physical security measures.

In this Notice, the words “we”, “us”, “ours” refers to the Everstone Group and “you” and/or “your” refers to our clients, investors, nominees / representatives on board / committees / meetings of various entities, associated persons etc as mentioned in 2 below and other individuals whose personal information / Personal Data we collect and process

By accessing or using Sites or by otherwise giving us your information, you confirm that you have the capacity to enter into a legally binding contract and have read, understood and agreed to the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Notice and you hereby consent to our collection, use, processing, retention, transfer, sharing, and disclosure of your information as described in this Privacy Notice. We understand that all Personal Data provided by you to us is voluntarily.

2. Scope

This Online Privacy Notice applies to the collection, use, processing, retention, transfer, sharing and disclosure of Personal Data by the Everstone Group, including the respective general partner, the partnership, master fund, feeder fund, the investment manager, the administrator, appointed representatives, agents, sub-advisor, service providers and each of their affiliates, inter alia of:

• visitors and users of the Everstone Group and/or Everstone Capital websites, including our websites on (,,,,,, our social media pages and other websites or applications including mobile applications, investor support and services / CRM solutions for investors such as eFront Investment Café, Dynamo etc that may link to this Online Privacy Notice (collectively referred to as the "Sites”);
• investors (past, current or prospective) or agents, persons representing or acting on their behalf;
• customers and prospective customers and their representatives;
• nominees / representatives on board / committees / meetings of various entities, subscribers to / recipient of Everstone Group’s / fund updates, financials, capital statements, background reading material or other alerts or other registrations;
• past, current or prospective employees, directors, officers or other representatives, market counterparties;
• past, current or prospective business partners, service providers, contractors, trade associations, public bodies, other entities or undertakings and their representatives;
• Anyone engaging with us through email or any other means; when you visit our Sites or physical premises or through other data collection points or notices that reference this Online Privacy Notice.

3. What Personal Data we collect 

Personal Data”, also called Personal Information, means any information about an individual  from which that person can be identified, directly or indirectly, such an individual’s name,  previous name, maiden name, address, date of birth, photograph, personal identification  numbers, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical,  physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.  

The Personal Data we collect, process, share may include: 

• Identifiers, sensitive / protected characteristic, financial information such as name and  contact details of such individuals, date of birth, signatures, biometric data, bank  account details, source of wealth information, income proof, accounts and bank  statements, tax identification number, jurisdiction of tax residency, national ID, social  security number, Aadhaar, director identification number, relatives information,  nomination, marital status, information relating to investment, subscription or proof of  eligibility to purchase interests in any of the entities of the Everstone Group,  partnerships / fund vehicle(s) including master fund(s) and feeder fund(s), copies of  such individuals’ passport, utilities bills and other documentation required for identity  or address verification purposes, as well as some technical data (such as internet  protocol addresses), usage data and information about marketing and communication  preferences, contact details, physical / postal address, email addresses, login  credentials and telephone numbers, occupation details, details of the company/  organization you work for, title, designation, and copies of passport, utilities bills and  other documentation required for identity or address verification purposes; 
• Information we need in order to identify you and complete necessary security and  safety checks, when you visit our premises (such as a form of ID, your image for closed circuit television (CCTV) purposes etc); 
• photographs and testimonials; 
• Geolocation data such as physical location; 
• Commercial / transactional data, including products and services ordered or  considered, financial details, payment methods and personal details disclosed in such  transactions; 
• company data such as the name, size, and location of the company you work for and  your role within the company; 
• For legal and compliance purpose, you may also provide information regarding your  political contributions; 
• Professional or employment related information such as employment history, professional designations, performance evaluations, information on background and  qualification which could include gender, race, ethnicity, veteran and disability status,  non-public education information such as education records, work authorization  status;
• If you are a former employee, or a contract employee with us, we will continue to  process your Personal Data for a reasonable period following the end of your  employment or engagement for our legitimate business and/or our legal compliance  purposes and/or for the establishment or defense of or in anticipation of a legal claim. Your data will be retained in accordance with our retention policy and / or regulatory and/or tax requirements; 
• unique IDs such as your digital or mobile device identifier such as International Mobile  Equipment Identity (IMEI) number or cookie ID on your browser; 
• IP address and information that may be derived from IP address, such as geographic  location or web server logs, web beacons and JavaScript; 
• information about a device you use, such as browser, device type, operating system,  the presence or use of "apps", screen resolution, and the preferred language;
• internet or other network activity such as browsing or search history, referring URLs,  information regarding interaction with an internet website, application, or  advertisement, dates and times of website visits etc; 
• Inferences drawn from other Personal Data (e.g. profiles reflecting preferences and  trends); 
• Records of correspondence, discussions and other communications with you,  including meetings, conferences, email, telephone conversations, live chat, instant  messages and social media communications containing information concerning your  past, present and future investments, requests, grievances, complaints, dispute etc. 

The Personal Data we collect may also include ‘sensitive’ or ‘special categories’ of Personal  Data, such as details about your: 

• health (for example, so that we can make it easy for you to access our buildings,  products, and services), medical records and history; and financial details;
• sexual orientation (for example, if you provide us with details of your spouse or partner);
• We may also process Personal Data relating to ethnic or racial origin (for example, any  multicultural networks you belong to), or about your political opinions (inferred from  information you give us about political associations you belong to or have donated to). 

Any information that is freely available or accessible in public domain or furnished under any  legislation on transparency, public disclosure, freedom, access, right to information or  documents or any other law, shall not be regarded as “sensitive” or “special category” Personal  Data or information. 

We may collect Personal Data through a range of means. These may include direct interactions,  when you visit any of our offices to enquire about or avail our services or when you email or call  or respond to our emails/phone calls or during meetings with our staff or service providers or  representatives or where you provide Personal Data to us through correspondence or other  direct methods of communication, including subscription agreements, co-investment,  shareholder, share purchase, deed of adherence etc, invest through third-party service  providers (for example, placement agents) or attend any seminars, webinars, conferences or  events organized by us; or thru or publicly available sources or publicly available registry.  Further, we may collect user information that you provide us with for attending meetings such  as accessibility and dietary requirements. Such user information can imply or suggest a  individual’s health or other information which may include sensitive Personal Data.  

We may also collect some information directly or though appointed distributors or agents or  from other sources, including:

• if we have a business relationship with the organization that you represent, your  colleagues or other business contacts may give us information about you such as your  contact details or details of your role in the relationship; and 

• information from third party data providers or publicly available sources for anti-money  laundering, background checking and similar purposes, and to protect our business  and comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. 

If you provide information to us about another person, you should ensure that you comply with  any legal obligations that may apply to your provision of the information to us. 

We and third parties acting on our behalf may collect information about your online activities  over time and across third-party websites to provide you with advertising about products and  services tailored to your interests. Where required by applicable law, we will obtain your  consent for the processing of your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes.  

We may use third-party web analytics services on our Sites, such as Google Analytics. These  service providers help us analyze how visitors use the Sites. The information obtained for this  purpose (including your IP address and other information collected by automated means) may  be disclosed to or collected directly by these service providers. 

The providers of third-party plugins and widgets on our Sites, such as embedded videos and  social media sharing tools, may use automated means to collect information regarding your  use of the Sites and your interactions with the plugins and widgets. This information is subject  to the privacy policies or notices of the providers of the plugins and widgets.  

If you share your data, including Personal Data, not directly but through some third party,  agency, representative you agree that any person who submits any data or part thereof to us  or from whom we source the same, shall be deemed to have been authorized by you to submit  such data to us and you hereby further authorize the collection, processing, sharing and  transferring of any such data as mentioned in this Privacy Notice.  

If you choose not to provide, or object to us processing, the information we collect, we may not  be able to process your instructions or continue to provide some or all of our services to you or  our client.

4. Usage of Personal Data 

We use your Personal Data in our business activities for providing our products / services and  to perform, among other actions, the following: 

• To provide you / investor / client services, including providing customer support,  responding to queries or feedback given by investors / clients or persons acting on  behalf of investors / clients, generating, communicating and disseminating notices,  reports, correspondence, statements, invoices, confirmations and advices to investors  or persons acting on behalf of investors, updating registers, records, processing visa,  immigration, work permits and doing all activities in furtherance of any contract,  arrangement or understanding;  
• To administer, operate, evaluate, develop, promote, and improve our business  (including developing new products and services; enhancing, improving and analyzing  our products and services; managing our communications; managing our premises; and performing accounting, auditing and other internal functions) and activities ancillary to  our business or investment management business;  
• To verify your / investor identification or of persons acting on behalf of you / investors,  background checks, verify information, discrepant documents or information for  creating and managing your account and/or your investments; 
• To review and approve investors’ account(s), and the conduct initial and anticipatory  credit checks and assessments, financial standing, risk assessments, relevant checks,  ongoing assessment and verification of ongoing credit worthiness and standing; 
• To provide products and services including market commentary and email alerts; 
• To meet legal or regulatory requirements, directions, orders or request, relevant  industry standards, treaties, guidelines; 
• To meet, comply or enforce with our internal policies and procedures or any memorandum, arrangement, agreement, understanding or settlement; 
• To perform data analysis (including market and consumer research, demographic  analysis and anonymization and aggregation of information), building algorithms,  creating databases for rating systems, recommendations engine and for other activities  that form part of the operation of our businesses;  
• To process instructions from you / investors / clients or persons acting on behalf of you  / investors / clients or manage and respond to any request or queries; 
• To promote our professional services, products and capabilities to existing and  prospective investors, business clients;  
• To prepare and send promotional materials, newsletters and other communications,  including in visual and audio form (such as videos, podcasts and online seminars),  frequency capping;  
• To organize, operate, and schedule, meetings. Sending invitations and providing access  for attending events and webinars or our sponsored events including webinars on 3rd party platforms (such as Microsoft Teams or Zoom), programs, promotions, offers,  surveys and market research;  
• To record audio and video content;  
• To personalize online landing pages and communications we think would be of interest  based on interactions with us and group companies and delivering content tailored to  our users’ interests and the manner in which our users browse our Sites;  
• To administer, maintain, and ensure the security of our information systems,  applications, websites, Sites and premises, to improve the user experience of the Sites,  audit checks, surveillance and investigation;  
• To authenticate registered users to certain areas of our Sites;  
• To manage employment applications, assess your qualifications and manage your  employment with us;  
• For legal claims, actions or proceedings including but not limited to drafting and  reviewing documents, obtaining legal advice and facilitating dispute resolution or  exercising or enforcing rights or defending any rights, claim or assisting others to do so;  
• To facilitate any proposed to or actually transfer, assignment, participation or sub participation of all or portion of our business or assets or rights and/or obligations under  any investor or other contract (including in the event of a reorganization, spin-off,  dissolution or liquidation); 
• To detect, prevent, mitigate, and investigate fraudulent or illegal activities or threats such as cyberattack, theft of proprietary materials, financial or business crimes, terror  funding, malpractices, and other unlawful activity and analyzing and managing  commercial risks. To maintain the security of our premises including but not limited to  the use of forms of surveillance such as security cameras;
• For all purposes reasonably related to one or more of the foregoing or as mentioned in  this Notice and conducting general administration in relation thereto.  

Do note, we will only use Personal Data for the purposes that it has been collected for, unless  we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible  with the original purpose of processing. The purposes for which we may control or process  Personal Data may change from time to time. Any person requiring information with respect to  any additional purpose for which Personal Data may be controlled or processed may obtain  such information by contacting us as provided in this Notice. If we need to process Personal  Data for an unrelated purpose, we will use reasonable endeavors to notify affected persons and  obtain consent.

Automated Use / Processing / Decision Making:  

We may process your Personal Data using software or tools that are able to evaluate your  personal aspects and predict risks or outcomes. We may also carry out automated checks or  the decision making may be automated, for example : anti-money laundering and sanctions  checks - we may automatically decide that you pose a fraud or money laundering risk if the  processing reveals your behaviour to be consistent with money laundering or known fraudulent  conduct or is inconsistent with your previous submissions or you appear to have deliberately  hidden your true identity. 

You expressly acknowledge that the automated decision is necessary for entering into or  providing services and/or you explicitly consent to such automated decision making, hence  you are subject to even the decisions which are solely based on automated processing. 

5. With whom do we share your Personal Data 

In connection with any of the purposes outlined in the “Usage of your Personal Data” section  above, we may disclose information about you, including sharing copies of the subscription documents and other documents, any historical transactional, or other information concerning  you, with the below mentioned recipients, which recipients may be in countries other than the  country in which the information was originally collected:  
• other members of the Everstone Group, other Everstone entities, affiliates,  collaborators, co-investors, investee companies or third parties, vendors, agents that  provide services (including cloud services), fund administrators, investment manager,  sub-advisors, our financial and transaction counterparties, placement agents, bankers,  distributors, our professional advisors, representatives, business partners, investment  vehicles (including its administrator and service providers) and each of their affiliates,  and your agents and representatives;  
• domestic or foreign authorities (including courts, judicial authorities, tribunals, law  enforcement authorities, investigating agency, regulators, tax authorities, other  government entities, authorities, agencies, departments or bodies acting for or on  behalf of such authorities or regulators etc);  
• to third parties when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent harm  or financial loss, or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual fraudulent  or illegal activity;  
• our advisers, or your advisers; 
• anyone to whom we may propose to or actually transfer, assign, participation or sub participation all or portion of our business or assets or rights and/or obligations under any investor or other contract (including in the event of a reorganization, spin-off,  dissolution or liquidation);  
• any other person or organization after a restructure, sale or acquisition of any member / entity of the Everstone Group, as long as they use your information for the same  purposes we did; 
• credit reference agencies or other organizations that help us make credit decisions and  reduce the incidence of fraud; and 
• other third parties that reasonably require access to Personal Data relating to you including those who provides administrative, mailing, data processing, banking,  custodian, depository, data registry, business process, human resource, information  technology, telecommunication, legal, corporate secretarial, accounting or other  services to us in connection with the operation of our businesses or the administration  and operation of the Group and / or any fund advised / managed by the Group or  investee companies.  

Wherever possible, Personal Data will only be disclosed by us to a third party in circumstances  where that third party has agreed to respect the security of Personal Data and treat it in  accordance with applicable law. We will seek to ensure that third parties to whom any Personal  Data may be disclosed will not use Personal Data for their own purposes and only process  Personal Data for specified purposes and otherwise in accordance with their instructions and 

as per applicable law. However, when any data is shared with any government agencies, courts,  law enforcement authorities, investigating agency, regulators, tax authorities, or bodies acting  for or on behalf of such authorities or regulators etc, we will not have control over how such  data is further shared / processed by such authorities, agency regulators, persons etc.  

Our Sites may host various blogs, forums, wikis and other social media applications or services  that may allow you to share content with other users (collectively “Social Media Applications”).  Any Personal Data that you contribute to these Social Media Applications can be read,  collected and used by other users of the application. We have little or no control over these  other users, so any information you contribute to these Social Media Applications might not be  handled in line with this Privacy Notice. If you connect with us through Social Media 

Applications, then such engagement will be subject to the terms of service and privacy policy  of the relevant social media platform and you should review the same before connecting with  us on such social media platform

6. Where do we transfer your Personal Data 

Information we hold about you may be transferred to countries: 
• where we do business; 
• which are linked to your engagement with us; 
• from which you regularly receive or transmit information;  
• where our affiliates, associates, group companies, business partners, third parties,  service providers conduct their operate / activities; or 
• which are not restricted as per the applicable laws.  

Considering our business activities, it may be necessary that your Personal Data be transferred  and / or processed in Singapore, Mauritius, United Arab Emirates, India, United States of  America, United Kingdom, Cayman Islands and such other countries as may be necessary  mentioned in any marketing, placement memorandum or subscription document. 

We may transfer the Personal Data we collect about you to recipients in countries other than  the country in which the information was originally collected.  

These countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you  initially provided the information or may have less stringent privacy laws than we do, so any  information they hold can become subject to their laws and disclosure requirements, including  disclosure to governmental bodies, regulatory agencies and private persons. In addition, a  number of countries have agreements under which information is exchanged with other  countries for law enforcement, tax and other purposes.  

We may also transfer your Personal Data when: 
• the transfer is to a country deemed to provide adequate protection of your Personal  Data by the European Commission/ or any regulatory authority / enforcement agencies;  or 
• where arrangements with third parties are governed by data transfer agreements or  safeguards, designed to ensure that your Personal Data is protected as required under  applicable data protection law; or 
• where you have consented to the transfer. 

We may share non-personal, anonymized and aggregated information with third parties for  several purposes, including data analytics, research, submissions, thought leadership and  promotional activity. 

7. Security  

We use a range of measures to ensure we keep your Personal Data secure, accurate and up to  date. These include but are not limited to: 
• education and training to relevant staff to ensure they are aware of our privacy  obligations when handling Personal Data; 
• administrative, technical and physical controls to restrict access to Personal Data to a  ‘need to know’ basis; 
• technological security measures, including fire walls, encryption and anti-virus  software; 
• we may apply pseudonymization, de-identification and anonymization techniques in  efforts to further protect Personal Data 

The transmission of data over the internet (including by e-mail) is never completely secure. So, although we use appropriate measures to try to protect Personal Data, we cannot guarantee  the security of data transmitted to us or by us. 

While we observe reasonable security measures to protect your Personal Data on all our digital  platforms, security risks may still arise for reasons outside of our control such as cyber attack,  hacking, phishing, virus dissemination, force majeure events, breach of firewall, accidental,  unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use. etc. Please note  that the above-mentioned measures do not guarantee absolute protection to the Personal  Data.

8. Cookies 

Cookies are files that websites send to your computer or other internet-connected device to  uniquely identify your browser or to store information or settings on your device or read back  from a browser. A “web beacon”, also known as an internet tag, pixel tag or clear GIF, links web  pages to web servers and may be used to transmit information collected through cookies back  to a web server. We refer to all of these and similar technologies as “cookies” for purposes of  this Notice.  

We use cookies to: (i) enhance functionality, customize, personalize and improve user  experience; (ii) deliver content tailored to user interests and relevant online advertising; and  (iii) perform analytics and manage our Sites and other aspects of our business. We may use  cookie and tracking technology depending on the features offered. 

The information we obtain through cookies includes your traffic data, location, logs, device IP  address, identifiers associated with your devices, types of devices connected to our services,  operating system, network location, browser type, web browser characteristics, device  characteristics, language and country preferences, referring URLS, exit pages, clickstream data  and other information on actions taken on our Sites, error information, and dates and times of  website visits, language your system uses and country and time zone in which your device is  located.  

No Personal Data will be collected via cookies and other tracking technology; however, if you  previously provided Personal Data, cookies may be tied to such information 

Please refer our Cookie Policy for information about what cookies are and how we use cookies  and similar technology. We also may use these and similar technology in emails we send you  to collect certain information, such as whether you opened or clicked on links in our email. 

Some of these cookies may be placed by third parties such as our service providers. Your  browser may tell you how to be notified when you receive certain types of cookies and how to  restrict or disable certain cookies. You also may be able to delete your Flash cookies or adjust  your Flash cookie settings by visiting the Adobe Flash Website Storage Settings  Panel and Global Storage Settings Panel. Please note, however, that without cookies you may  not be able to use all of the features of our Sites or other websites and online services. 

9. How long will Everstone Group retain your data 

We seek to ensure that we only keep your Personal Data for the longest of:
• the period necessary for the relevant activity or services and to perform our contractual  obligations including reporting requirements;  
• any retention period that is required or permitted under by law or under regulatory  obligations which apply to us including financial, accounting and taxation legislations; 
• the period in which litigation or investigations might arise in respect of the services or as  may be necessary to establish, exercise or defend any legal claim; or 
• in accordance with our retention policies and procedures.  

Do note, we may retain some limited information about you (even when we know that you have  left the organization that you represent) so that we can maintain a continuous relationship with  you if and when we are in contact with you again.

In some circumstances, a person may request that we delete any Personal Data retained by  them.  

We, however, reserve the right to retain, store and use your information including Personal Data  for our business purposes, or in case any other law is applicable. Further, in some  circumstances, we may anonymize or pseudonymize Personal Data for research or statistical  purposes, in which case such information may be retained and utilized indefinitely without  further notice. 

10.Your Rights as Data Subject 

“Data Subject” refers to an individual who is identified or identifiable through Personal Data  that is processed by a data controller or processor. This can include any living person, whether  an investor, customer, employee, or any other individual whose personal information is  collected, stored, or used by a business or organization. 

Everstone Group is sensitive towards the freedom of the Data Subjects and is committed  towards valuing their rights as per applicable laws/regulations. Everstone Group has  developed internal policies and processes to ensure that the Data Subjects can easily exercise  their rights. Below are the rights provided to Data Subjects- 
Right to access - The Data Subject shall have the right to obtain from Everstone Group to  whom they have previously given consent to access the Personal Data and information like summary of Personal Data which is being processed by such data controller, processing  activities undertaken, the identities of all other data controllers and data processors with  whom the Personal Data has been shared etc. 
Right to Information- Everstone Group as a data controller and data processor must  provide information notices to Data Subjects to ensure fair and transparent processing of  their Personal Data.  
Right to correction/ rectification and erasure- Data Subject shall have the right to  correction, completion, updating and erasure of Personal Data. 
Right to nominate- A Data Subject shall have the right to nominate, in such manner as may  be prescribed, any other individual, who shall, in the event of death or incapacity of the Data  Subject, exercise the rights of the Data Subject in accordance with the applicable  provisions and the rules made thereunder.  
Right to Data Portability- The Data Subject shall have the right to receive the Personal Data  concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to Everstone Group, in a structured,  commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to  another controller without hindrance. 
Automated individual decision-making, including profiling- The Data Subject shall have  the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including  profiling, which produces legal effects. 
Right to restriction of processing- The Data Subject shall have the right to obtain from  Everstone Group restriction of processing where: the processing is unlawful, data is no  longer required, the accuracy of the Personal Data is contested by the Data Subject etc.  
Right to object- The Data Subject shall have the right to object, on grounds relating to his  or her particular situation, at any time to processing of Personal Data concerning him or her,  including profiling based on those provisions.
Right to opt out- Data Subject may request Everstone Group to stop selling your Personal  Data (“opt-out”). With some exceptions, Everstone Group cannot sell your Personal Data  after they receive your opt-out request unless you later provide authorization allowing them  to do so again.  
Right to prevent processing for the purposes of direct marketing- The Data Subject at  any time by providing notice to Everstone Group can request to cease or not to begin  processing his Personal Data for purposes of direct marketing. 
Right to withdraw consent- Where the basis for the Processing of Personal Data is consent, the Sata Subject may withdraw consent at any time by notifying Everstone Group.
Rightto ‘Do not sell my Personal Data- The investors / Data Subjects have the right to opt out from the sale of their Personal Data under the California Consumer Privacy Act, 2018.
Right of grievance redressal- A Data Subject shall have the right to have readily available means of grievance redressal provided by Everstone Group, do refer to the Contact Us section of this Notice.

11. Links to other website 

Our websites may contain links to other Sites or services or of our partner networks and  affiliates, inter alia, for your convenience and information, which websites may operate  independently from us. These websites may not be governed by this Privacy Notice. Please  review the destination websites’ privacy policies before submitting Personal Data on those  sites. We are not responsible for the content, security, or privacy practices employed by other  sites. Further, we are not liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by you as a result  of the collection and/or disclosure of your Personal Data via such third parties. We shall not be  liable for any disputes arising from or in connection with such transactions between you and  the aforementioned third parties.  

12.Review and updates  

This Notice will be reviewed by us as and when required and the same may be subject to change at any point in time. Similarly, the purposes for which we may control or process  Personal Data also may change from time to time. If any change requires a material amendment  to this Notice, we will post the updated version of this on the Sites and indicate at the top of  the Notice when it was most recently updated, we recommend that you check for updates  regularly. Your continued access to, or use of the Sites will be deemed to be an acceptance of  the said changes.  

If you do not agree with this Notice / Privacy Policy at any time, in part or as a whole, or you  may choose to not provide us with or withdraw any or all information included under Personal  Data, but in the event that you do so, we may be unable to allow you to access the Sites or  otherwise avail services for the provision of which your information is being collected or  processed. If you withdraw your consent, it will not affect the lawfulness of collecting,  processing, sharing etc based on your consent before its withdrawal or the other legal basis  which we may have for such collection, sharing or processing. Do note, we may still continue  to retain certain data, including Personal Data, as mentioned in para 9 (How long will Everstone  Group retain your data) of this Notice.

13.Contact us 

If you have a privacy related question, concern, comment, or complaint, or wish to access a  copy of your Personal Data or to correct / update information we have or update your  preferences or withdraw any consent given, you may contact us as per details provided below.  

Name: Ms. Pratibha Jain
Designation: Group General Counsel & Head of Strategy
Email ID:

The Data Protection Officer / Grievance Officer shall be the Group General Counsel & Head of Strategy or such other person as may be appointed by the Board in his / her place, from time to time; and shall be assisted in the administration, application and monitoring compliance of this Policy and applicable privacy regulations by other members of the legal and compliance team, customer relations and fund administration team of the respective EVERSTONE GROUP entities across its various verticals and locations. During the absence of the Group General Counsel or for any reason whatsoever, the Board may nominate any other person to act as Compliance Officer for the relevant entity and/or for the purpose of this Policy.


© Everstone 2025. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright of this document lies exclusively with one or more of Everstone Group entities. Any reproduction, exploitation or use of content, creating a derivative or adaptation of this document, in  whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Everstone Group is prohibited. This document  is based on our understanding of provisions, standards, conventions, frameworks, guidelines etc as they  exist as of the date of preparation, which may be updated, revised, amended and/or superseded without  notice.