Bob Bachun
Bob started his career with an employment with a Bank then moved on to be come a professional accountant in UK. he worked in various organisation such as Coopers & Lybrand , firm of accountants and did some international assignments in AFrica for World Bank and IMF.
He then moved into an Management company, International Financial Services for 7 years. subsequently je joined Deutsche Bank as head of Department in Jersey and Mauritius.
He further moved on to Halaifax Management Limited which got merged with MITCO another Management Company based in Mauritius.
He then worked for some family businesses until Covid.
He is currently Managing Director of a Management Company based in Mauritius.
He has been associated with the DSG family as he was the person who set up the different DSG companies in Mauritius and he sits on the Board of most of the DSG companies.
He is very passionate of Football and follows regularly the English Premier League and also plays footbal during week ends. Bob is also passionate of Indian Premier League of Cricket and his team is Rajasthan Royals.
Google to get all the answers for every question
Chat GPT because learning is a never ending story
Netflix to help me relax!
Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss
Travelling, Football